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Showing posts from November, 2018

6 Easy Classroom Activities For Nursery Teaching with Examples

As a Nursery teacher you must have the skill to manage the students moving in the hundred directions at once. Also you have to introduce your students to school & motivate them to love learning. Here is Some Ideas for Nursery Teaching to Engage Your Students Easily Start from the Beginning "Don’t assume they know how to do anything. Teach them everything. How to knock at the bathroom doors, how to close it behind them, how to wash hands, throw away towels … routines, routines, routines." - Shannon T. Prepare Yourself with Range of Skills "Be ready for kids who are readers, kids who have never seen letters, and everything in between. I love my kids dearly and find so much joy in watching their little light bulbs go on for the first time! They’re a different bunch to be sure, but they’re a blast!" - Maggie V. Also Read Create Engaging Curriculum in Nursery Teaching Classroom Use Puppet to Attra...